Social Network Marketing Tips Part 3: Resources

After having done a lot of research on social network marketing, I realized that I needed to be keeping track of where I found my information so I could refer back to it. Here’s a list of resources that will help you better hone in on using social media to promote your business, both through regular business accounts and through paid advertising:




Tools to help manage social networking

10 Mistakes to Avoid with Social Network Marketing

5 Ways to Best Use Social Network Marketing

How to get traffic from social network marketing – also a lot of great information on leveraging Facebook.

How to measure success on social networks

Using Hashtags




Why Facebook ads are worth it

How to show up more in the Facebook news feed

Advantages of tagging other pages in posts



Advertising on Twitter: promoted accounts

Why you should tweet the same post more than once




Getting more followers on Pinterest

Successful companies using Pinterest, and why they’re different

What not to do on Pinterest

How to add instagram pictures to Pinterest


25 of the most engaged brands on Instagram – check these brands out to see what they’re doing versus what everyone else is doing.