Social Network Marketing Tips Part 2

Last time I posted some general tips on how better to leverage Facebook to increase your social network marketing presence. Here are some more tips — some apply not just to Facebook, but also other social media sites, such as Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.


Facebook interaction guidelines


♦          “Like” and comment on other relevant pages as your page.

♦          Be sure you’re posting the majority of your content on your page as your page instead of as you personally.

♦          Ask your customers and friends to “like” your Facebook page and to leave recommendations for you. Always ask for recommendations. You’d be surprised how many people just didn’t think about it.

♦          Ask your customers to recommend your page to others. (You’d be surprised how many people don’t ask, and how many people would love to if you just asked them!)

♦          Reply to all posts by others, preferably within 2 hours. Try to keep the conversation going. Facebook has an algorithm that tracks this stuff; the more interaction there is on a post, the more it will show up in peoples’ news feeds.



Post ideas:


♦          Any new items you start carrying

♦          Any items that are relevant to the season and/or a new item every week, etc.

♦          Random interesting facts about your chosen theme: “Did you know…the secret to fried green tomatoes is to double dip them in the egg and breading?”

♦          Any events related to the business you’re attending: open houses, etc.

♦          Theme-related comics, videos, jokes, etc. (Google “food jokes” and click on the “images” tab to the left)

♦          Consider doing small giveaways to get people to like your page: “The 10th person to like my page will receive a $10 gift card to the site!” or a free playlist, etc.

♦          Ask open-ended questions to encourage user interaction: “If you could be anchored on your own sailboat off any shore right now, where would you be?”