Morgan FraserHi! I’m Morgan. Like you, I’m a dreamer. I’m also a writer, a food lover, a traveler, and a digital marketing and seo consultant. I’ve lived in Mexico, Panama, Spain and Germany, as well as various states in the U.S. I’ve traveled to more than 20 countries, speak Spanish, and have found that the saying, “Not all who wander are lost” very well could have been written specifically for me.

My dream was to be able to make a living wherever I wanted to live, regardless of how long I was there. Through the years I have had a broad range of jobs, always feeling like something was missing, and that something was the ability to take the job with me when I felt the urge to travel again. When I moved to Panama in 2013, I figured out how to do it: I figured out how to live wherever I wanted to be and make enough money to support myself there. Although it depends on the client, a lot of my work came in search engine optimization: helping people get their sites ranked on Google. Best of all, when I was ready to move on, the work came with me. I had achieved my dream of becoming location independent.

An interesting thing happened at the same time. As I figured out how to create this lifestyle, people started coming to me asking how I’d done it. They’d been asking me this in one form or another for years regarding how often I traveled, but it wasn’t until Panama that it all started coming together, especially when I realized how excited I got when people asked me this question and I realized that I could help them. Not only did I have the skills to do this myself, but after a conversation with someone, I could give them the tools they needed to do it, too — whatever “it” was for them.

The next big piece happened as I was talking to my friend Jeanne. Jeanne is an energy healer, and she was telling me everything she had done in her lifetime to help others in breaking through old barriers. I listened to her and said, “Jeanne, why aren’t you just SWIMMING in piles of money?!?”  We started looking at what she could do to get her name out there: to connect what she loved to do — helping others — with actually making a living. It turned out that my years in sales, marketing, search engine optimization and social network marketing could all be applied: it turned out I could give her insights she didn’t already have on how to bring her dreams to fruition.

So that’s how I got here, dreamer. And now I’m here to help you, too. No dream is too small. No dream is ridiculous, regardless of what others might tell you, or what that booming voice in your head says.

Not only am I here to help, but I’m here to tell you: it’s true. And I know it’s true because it’s my life. If I can have a location independent lifestyle and help others achieve their dreams, you can have your dream, whatever it may be.

For more about me, check out my blog, Confessions of a Travel Addict.